Social Media

I have been running a kind of experiment now for a just over a couple of months. Its by no means done. This is an experiment is Dorr Directory it is not just a social media experiment but also an seo one. I have just compiled a directory site of all the businesses I could find in the small town Dorr, MI. I then ran a Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ account for it. If you have not liked or followed it yet I recommend you do so. Starting out I watched the analytics very close. My site was only getting 5 impressions a day from the beginning of April to mid May. Despite that I though traffic or sessions was not doing to bad, keep in mind I just knocked out the theme and did a csv import of the business. So I was not making all the traffic, I just have been adding a few pictures here and there. I believe this is due to social media  a recent pie chart from my Google analytics show that around 25% of all my traffic is coming from social media.

socail media pie chart from dorrdirectory.comSo what all did do on these social media platforms? I wouldn’t say I did a whole lot I did a Facebook comment or tweet here and there may 3 times a week. I haven’t done too much with Google plus. Recently on Facebook I have like most of the dorr area businesses Facebook pages and have liked a few of their comments. I would like to try get to my Facebook followers up, most are friends and family. A work colleague Jon runs his site also Jon Cooper Music. He swears by Twitter we can show me in his analytics days where he tweeted and traffic to his site spiked.

If you have any questions or ideas for me id love to hear them please leave a comment below or reach to me via social media.


Dorr Directory

So My latest project has been For the past few months I have been organizing local dorr businesses into excel sheet to upload to the site. I still need to go through and pictures for every business and double check that information is correct. I also need to seo my site for terms id like to rank for such as Dorr Michigan. So far I have only completed the church category, I still have approximately 90 to go through yet. I am also launching a social media campaign with facebook, twitter, and google+. So if your on any of those platforms please like the page.